Block 3rd

At 38 weeks pregnant (and what feels like forever to go), I find myself in just a foul mood. If one more person tells me it could be 3 more weeks, I might explode.
It's when everything and everyone is annoying that suddenly I realize that it's me. I'm the problem it's me.
Instead of focusing on my foul mood, I am going to try to enact the advice I saw a few months ago. When you are pregnant and in a state where you are uncomfortable, tired, frustrated, and suffering: focus on things that can make you feel just 1% better.
What can make me feel 1% better today?
- having an alone night where I take over the house and my husband is lovingly told to work late;
- get baby's going home outfit ready to be worn;
- go on a walk in the sunny weather;
- listen to my favourite book on the walk;
- treat myself with a donut that I can't stop thinking about;
- go to a Pilates class.
I really encourage everyone who's frustrated or having a hard time to focus on the little things that can make you feel just a bit better. I have hope if I do enough little things, my mood can be called neutral by the time my husband re-emerges 🤣

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