Teary eyed, second guesses and guilt is what accompanied me as I walked out of our condo after saying goodbye to my son. I was heading back to the office for the first time, since I started maternity leave 7 months ago.
And it is NOT true what they say – each day does NOT get easier!
I am a bag of divided emotions, being pulled in opposite directions.
Energy, excitement and enthusiasm raced through me as I walked through the doors of our office. I could not wait to start collaborating and delivering on projects with our team! And finally without the elusive mommy brain that fogged my thoughts in my last months of pregnancy.
But for the past week I feel like a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde.
By day I am this business savvy woman who meets with our teams and clients proposing unique solutions for their company’s pain points. And at night I am laying on the floor, covered in baby drool with no cares in the world - serving as my son’s human jungle gym as he crawls around and over me. Never wanting the moment to end!
And as hard as it has been, being a mum has been an AMAZING MOTOVATOR!
At the office, I am extremely productive. Because I am sacrificing time away from my son to pursue my career and my dreams – I better make the most of it.
At home, I turn the outside world off. Because I have not seen my son for a good majority of the day, I want to make the most of the time we do have before he goes to bed.
Is this mix of emotions that is meant by work life balance?
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