Energetic and non-apologetic about her “Newfie” words and phrases, Tichina is the Manager of Strategy at Poppys Collection.
Tichina was born and raised in Newfoundland, where she studied Psychology at Memorial University. The majority of her working years have been spent helping people find first homes, forever homes, and everything in-between. A true entrepreneurial spirit, Tichina is thrilled to partake in Poppys mission to provide fellow entrepreneurs and artisans with a wider platform for sharing their talents.
During work hours Tichina can be found strategizing with marketing and PR gurus and organizing Pop Up Shop locations – however, more often than not, she can be found artfully balancing a camera above her barely 5 foot 2 inch frame, capturing baby cuteness for an upcoming blog post.
Tichina prides herself in being a fashionable Aunt and exercises her fashion sense to obtain the most sought-after pieces for Poppys Collection.
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